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Join for all the benefits, stay for all the friendships!

As a club run by members, for members, we strive to live up to the motto of “MG, the marque of friendship”. Here’s all the benefits that come with a membership. See below to learn more about our club.

Benefits of Membership

The MG Driver

This bi-monthly magazine is packed with over 60 pages of useful information with the right mix of Technical and Member information.

Mutual Aid Directory

Many members list their contact information to help fellow NAMGBR members in the event they break down in their area. This is known as “the MAD”

Technical Help

NAMGBR has assembled a group of technical experts to answer your questions. Submissions can be made via email. Our Facebook group is another source of technical help.

Logo for the MG2025 event

Annual Convention

In conjunction with a NAMGBR Chapter, we sponsor a convention highlighting a different part of the United States or Canada. This 4 day event features driving tours, a car show and a taste of the local food and drink. MG 2025 will take place in Crystal Lake IL.

Insurance Discount

NAMGBR is the first MG Register to offer USA members the 5% Hagerty Collector Car Insurance Discount. Being a member of NAMGBR can save you money on your insurance. Unfortunately not available in Canada or CA, MA and TN due to State Insurance Commission regulations.


Each registrar supports a specific model or variation of a model recognized by NAMGBR. The registrar is your contact and expert for all things related to the specific register that they support. The registrar can assist you by using the their unique and in depth knowledge of the model or variation.

And There’s More

  • Dash Plaque. Every member receives an engraved dash plaque with their membership number.

  • Window Sticker. For use on your windshield or other glass, a cling on style NAMGBR logo sticker identifies you/your car as a member.

  • Classified advertising is provided in The MG Driver magazine. You can submit for sale or wanted ads to the editor.

  • Club & Register Regalia. We have a number of ways you can show your NAMGBR membership to the public.

  • Club Insurance. Does your club sponsor a car show, driving event or meeting? Many venues require insurance to hold the event on their property. If your club has 8 NAMGBR members and is a Chapter of NAMGBR … you’re covered for free!

Sign Up Options

North America memberships cover those that live in Canada, Mexico and the United States of America. A one year membership is $30 and two years is $60. If you live in any other countries, you are still welcome to join using our “Overseas” membership options. A one year overseas membership is $45 and two years is $90 – this is to reflect the cost of postage of The MG Driver magazine to overseas locations.