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There are many events held by our affiliated chapters and other clubs. The premier event hosted by the North American MGB Register is always our annual convention.

For other regional events and shows. Please use this link to see the “Where 2 ‘B” page for a separate calendar for these events.

Annual Convention

The very first NAMGBR Annual Convention was held in Peterborough Ontario and host by our affiliated chapter, the MG Car Club of Toronto in 1992. Since then we have held a convention every year, other than in 2020. What’s the annual convention? Well, it’s a multi-day (3 or 4) celebration of all things MG and a gathering of MG enthusiasts from around the globe. Some fly in, some drive their MG or other British car, some bring an MG or British car on a trailer. Although things change and each event has its own unique character and flavor, derived by the location/venue, over the multi-day event you can expect:

  • Welcome meet and greet and recognition of first time attendees – a celebration to kick off the event
  • Tech sessions – talks or technical demonstrations or explanations on various topics by experts in the subject matter
  • Drives/Tours – some of these may be guided and other setup as self-guided but you can be sure to find interesting destinations and fabulous roads and back roads to explore using the knowledge of the local host affiliated chapter club and its members
  • Organized tours – depending on location, some organized bus tours may be available for those not wanting to drive more or those without a vehicle to see local sites, museums or points of interest
  • Car Show – a magnificent car show will take place, typically on the last day. Every car, in every condition, can take part. Whether they shine and gleam or are showing patina from enjoyment or even in the midst of just being discovered or restored, all cars should take part. Everyone loves the cars and everyone wants to see all the cars
  • Awards Banquet – this usually follows the evening of the car show and is a chance for a final get together to meet your old friends and new friends and give out awards for the car show and other competitions
  • Having fun! Not required, but its hard not to experience at one of our conventions. Unofficial Parking Lot Parties (PLPs) are likely to spring up any and all evenings. People gather and fun and MG magic occurs as we are, after all, the marque of friendship!

We do maintain a bit of history related to the events and you’ll find various pages dedicated the the prior events. Please look under the main events menu above for the “Previous NAMGBR Conventions” menu option to find the various sub pages.

Logo for the MG2025 event
John Twist Rolling Tech Session
MG 2022 Show Field – About Half the Field

All MG Register Conventions – Every 5 Years

Under the organization of the North American Council of MG Registers, all the MG registers in North America plan a joint/combined event every 5 years. After MG 2021 in Atlantic City NJ the next event will be in 2026, details to be announced closer to the time. In the year of the 5 year events, NAMGBR does not host its own convention.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

As a club run BY members FOR members the AGM is an important annual event. The AGM is typically held in late October and specifically noted, based on our club bylaws, as “The date of the “Annual General Meeting is the Saturday, following October 22. The time of the meeting must be between the hours of 12 noon and 5 PM.”

The AGM location is typically the site of the Annual Convention which will take place the following year.

All members are encouraged to attend the AGM. It is a chance to hear from the officers, coordinators and registrars as well as for members to raise any comments, questions or other feedback about the club. To find the details about the next AGM please look under the main events menu of the website, for a dedicated page for the AGM.

MG2025 Crystal Lake IL 28-31 July, 2025

The Chicagoland MG Club are hosting MG2025 our convention for 2024.

The MG2025 event starts Monday 28th July, 2025 and concludes on the evening of Thursday 31st July, 2025.

So please see the details about MG2025 on the separate event site and plan to make the trip. Doesn’t matter how you get there, just be there!

Logo for the MG2025 event